Fish Seed Supplier and Manufacturer in West Bengal, Jaipur Rajasthan, Badmer and Jodhpur.
3.00 INR/Piece
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If yoy are looking best Fish Seed Supplier in West Bengal, Jaipur Rajasthan, Badmer and Jodhpur. Here is provider best fish seed at very best price. Nona Tangra (Mystus Gulio ) is a species of freshwater fish native to India. It is commonly referred to as “nona tangra” or “Indian catfish.” Fish farming of nona tangra can be a viable and profitable endeavour in India. You can also find Our Nona Tengra (नोना टांगरा ) fish seed at indiamart & We are providing Aaradhya enterprises is listed as leading fish seed supplier in indiamart.
You can know more info about our Fish Seeds than you can search on me at YouTube Channel And my YouTube Channel is "Aaradhya enterprises fish farming Rajasthan".